Is Section 79 of the Income Tax Act 1961 a bane to E-commerce Start-ups?
According to the income tax provisions, a closely held
company is not eligible to carry forward and set off its losses if 51 % or more
of the voting power in the year in which the set-off is claimed is not
beneficially held by the same shareholders who beneficially held 51% or more
voting power on the last day of the previous year in which the loss was
Exemptions to section
The following are the exemptions to the section 79 of the income tax act 1961:-
If the change in the shareholding takes place on
account of death of the shareholder, gift to any relative of the shareholder.
b) Indian company which becomes a
subsidiary of foreign company as a result of amalgamation or demerger of a
foreign company subject to some conditions.
Growth in E-Commerce
E-Commerce sector is the fast rising and it has grown by 34
% CAGR since 2009.
According to Morgan Stanley, the Indian’s E-tail business
size to be $159 Billion by 2020.
And, India has the youngest youth population. With 356 million
10-24 year-olds, India has the world’s largest youth population despite having
a smaller population than China, according to the UN report.
Why do E-commerce companies
spend huge expenditure?
Very huge expenditure is being incurred during the growth
phase of the company.
Since E-commerce market is in its nascent stage, company
spends huge amount of money in their growth phase, such as giving huge discount
to the products for attracting new customers and to retain the existing
customers and also huge spends on advertising, marketing and promotion. Since
the acquisition cost of the customers is huge, these companies require huge
funding to run their operations.
And the internet penetration is also quite less when
compared to the other countries. India’s internet penetration with total
e-households at 46 million against China’s 207 million is one of the reasons
behind India’s poor B2C sales growth.
Also the per-capita income is very less. The propensity to
spend more income in India is very less.
So, taking into account all these factors, E-commerce
companies take long gestation period.
So for meeting these expenses, the companies go for funding
and offer their shares to the angel investors, venture capital investors.
Section 79 comes into
So in order to get funding, the promoters of these companies
have to sell their shares to the angel investors, venture capital investors.
So, the promoter’s shareholding comes down. In some cases, more than 51% of the
shares are interchanged. So these companies were not eligible to get the credit
of previous year’s losses, even though the transactions are purely for business
purpose and not for evading taxation.
Carry forward of
losses – In other countries
Australia, China and United States are the countries which
are favourable to the carry forward of losses.
Carry forward of losses in countries like Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom are for indefinite period.
Considering the above hurdles faced by the E-Commerce
companies, section 79 needs to be altered so that it doesn’t act as burdensome
to these start-ups.
Already e-commerce companies are facing huge challenges and
stiff competition from the foreign players, so the tax provisions relating to
the start-ups needs to be tweaked.
Section 79 should be applicable only to the companies which are
transferring the shares for the purpose of evading taxation.
So in order to be supportive to the growth of e-commerce
companies in India and for the success of Start-up India Scheme, the section 79
needs to be changed, considering the scope and potential of the E-Commerce
market in India.
It should not be applied to companies which transfer the
shares for genuine purposes and whose transactions are not malafide.